Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Church leader training

For many years we have been dreaming about doing more to strengthen the churches in this area.
Now we finally got to start our first church leader training. We invited pastors and church workers from the villages around where we live.
We had such a great time. God did some wonderful things in our midst- revealing the truth.
We had good talks on the old vs the new covenant.
As most of the Karen churches are traditional churches, many of the things were new to them. Some are very excited about the new truths they have learned, others need to go home and think through what they want to choose to believe.
This is something we want to continue to do.

Church leader training, Way Te Loo, 9-11.09

9 pastors, elders or church workers came.

Paul Wilcox teaching, Hsar Moo Paw translating

Finding the truth in the Bible

LDC in Chiang Rai, Thailand

What a blessing! For 6 weeks our team had the opportunity to be students again together with 18 other YWAMers. We also had 11 staff who were there to model and teach leadership to us. They poured into our lives by sharing their experience, mentoring us, preparing creative workshops so we could get the most out of all the teaching.
We learned a lot about being leaders and have some great new tools to use in our team. We have a lot of hope for the future and feel inspired to continue even though being leaders can be challenging! It also had great value to us as individuals and our personal growth.

Some of the topics were: mentoring, team leadership, integrity, self leadership, roles and goals, debriefing, conflict resolution, spiritual gifts, DISC.


Building the highest tower

Personal mentoring

Learning from eachothers experiences

Prophesy workshop

We had a workshop where we went through the different phases of our lives.
Here Liv has finished her journey!

Creative worship on Psalm 23

Marriage seminars

A new ministry at our base is to focus on families. We want to see strong families, healthy marriages and content children. First step for us to see this happen has been to arrange marriage seminars.
The three seminars we have arranged so far have been great. The couples get some good tools they can use in their marriage.

Great teachers and eager listeners

An older couple learning things they have never ever heard of before

Good communication is important. Here Saw Ooh is explaining the picture and his wife has to try to draw as identical as possible without seeing the picture.

Commitment to your new family. Leaving the old family, uniting with your spouse

Having their first date together!