Friday, April 23, 2010

Mini DTS

I’m sitting here by the computer feeling so grateful for what the Lord is doing. I just came back to our house after a great evening with staff and students in the Mini DTS where we had a time of speaking blessing and encouragement into one another’s lives. We could really feel an atmosphere of great appreciation and love for one another. Our words truly have power.
We started the Mini DTS eleven days ago and it’s been eleven amazing days. Many of our students have given their lives to Jesus for the first time. Most of them have experienced the Holy Spirit working in their lives somehow. Many give testimonies about how God has given them a new freedom after choosing to forgive people that have hurt them in the past. Students are sharing how the truths from Gods Word about unconditional love, salvation, The Holy Spirit, Gods grace, forgiveness and many other things are making a deep impression on their lives.
It seems like God has put this Mini DTS together for a special purpose. Our seven staff are functioning so well together each with their giftings of teaching, building relationships, serving practically, leading worship etc. Our nineteen students are more open than any other group we have had with us here in Way Te Loo. They seem to really soak in everything they hear and experience like sponges that are super thirsty.
Glory to God! He is so good and faithful. We can only stand amazed to what He is doing in the midst of us.

Students and staff in the Mini DTS,

Hsar Gu Gu teaching about unconditional love.

Fun and fellowship.